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Showing posts from November, 2017


ROLLER/REVERSE-ROLLER Description : With a potentiometer, controlling which of four leds is selected while a tact switch determines whether it is off or on (in contrast with the other leds). The higher the value mesured of the potentiometer the further the led selected. When the switch is pressed, that led will light up, if not, all but the led selected will light up.   CODE const char L1 = 2; const char L2 = 3; const char L3 = 4; const char L4 = 5; char sw = 7; char swValue = 0; long pot = A0; long potvalue = 0; int ON; int OFF; void setup() {   pinMode(L1, OUTPUT);   pinMode(L2, OUTPUT);   pinMode(L3, OUTPUT);   pinMode(L4, OUTPUT);   pinMode(sw, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { swValue = digitalRead(sw); potvalue = analogRead(pot);//*(5/1023)*50; potvalue = map(potvalue,0,1023,0,255); tact(); roller(); } void tact(){   if (swValue==1) ...


POTENTIOMETERS A potentiometer is a resistor that has a mechanical shaft or screw that can be turned to change its resistance. A potentiometer is just a variable resistor: -> The longer the "trace" from W to either A or B, the higher the resistance. The two schematic symbols for a potentiometer are shown below: Rotary Potentiometers These are the most common type of potentiometers, where the wiper moves along a circular path. Linear Potentiometers In these types of Potentiometers the wiper moves along a linear path. Also known as slide pot, slider, or fader. Some Applications of Potentiometers Potentiometer as a Voltage Divider The potentiometer can be worked as a voltage divider to obtain a manual adjustable output voltage at the slider from a fixed input voltage applied across the two ends of the potentiometer.  Now the load voltage across RL can be measured as VL= R2RL. VS/(R1RL...